
How It All Started

From this hobby, I would say that no matter how hard it is, you have got a best friend by your side to help one another and you'll see improvements. I saw them, and I remember clearly each moment of it as if it was the first time, and when I look back at these memories that I have I can see how far I've gotten with serves, sets, and much more skills, and because of this I have felt joy when I am playing, it makes me feel free. Now today I play not on a team but with my sisters, friends, or other family members. Today it's also something that I do when I am stressed with school, homework, tests, or little things that bother me, and distracts me overall.
The picture shown on the top is of my teammates and me when I was in middle school, my first year of playing volleyball.
When I was in seventh grade, volleyball season started coming up and during school, the teachers kept announcing, for those who wanted to play. At first, I and my best friend, Neveah didn´t want to play, because we had never played before and we didn´t want the girls on the team to judge us. A couple of days later one of my classmates named Emily was able to convince Neveah to play. So from there, she was able to convince me. At first, I won´t lie I didn´t like it because I wasn´t good as the rest and my esteem went down. But knowing I wasn't the only one struggling, my friend was also from there we decided that we will learn together.
From them, I and Neveah decided that we will take our time after practice and go to a park next to where she lives and play there for a while, at times even her older sister or her dad would help us practice and from there we started seeing our skills improve. Many as we started seeing ourselves make wins in more games.